
LLCs in United States

Bank Accounts in the United States

Our Services

Creation and maintenance of LLCs in the United States (Tax-Free or Traditional)

We create and maintain your LLC (Limited Liability Company) in the US, allowing you to sell products or services in dollars anywhere in the world, simply and securely. More information

Personal and Corporate Bank Accounts in the United States

We assist you in opening a personal or corporate bank account at a physical bank, without the need for you to travel to the US. A US bank account allows you to send and receive payments in dollars, save in dollars, and much more. More information. More information

We create your LLC and associated bank account in the US

For Argentines and other non-North American residents

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Bank account in the USA - United States

Personal or Corporate.
From Argentina or any place in the world, without traveling.

We assist you in opening a personal or corporate bank account at a physical bank insured by the FDIC without the need for you to travel to the US. A US bank account allows you to send and receive payments in dollars, save in dollars, and much more.

Includes International Debit Card, Online Banking and more.

Allows you to send and receive domestic and international transfers in dollars.

Allows you to link Virtual Wallets (such as PayPal, Payoneer, Skrill, etc.) and Payment Processors (such as Stripe, Square, WePay, etc.).

It may include co-owners and/or beneficiaries (including minors).

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About Us

Our offices

Pasaje de las Ciencias 35, Château del Portal of. 305

(1670) Nordelta, Buenos Aires, Argentina

ZanovelloTax Miami Office

1101 Brickell Ave South, Tower, 8th floor

Miami, FL 33131, United States

Florencia Zanovello: Attorney and Tax Expert

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Who We Help

Companies of all types and sizes, independent professionals or employees, business owners or simply savers, our clients come from the most diverse industries, including:

Information technology

Marketing and publicity

Retail and Electronic Commerce

Property and construction


Engineering and manufacturing


Health and Wellness

It doesn't matter if you’re a freelancer, the manager of a company, or simply someone who would like to maintain savings in a bank in the US. We’re here to help.


Freelancers, professionals, entrepreneurs, corporate managers, savers.


Owners of SMEs, corporations and companies of any sector and size.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions: Companies and LLCs in the United States

What is a "Tax-Free” LLC?

An LLC is a Limited Liability Company.

What is a "Tax-Free” LLC?

A “tax-free” LLC is an LLC that has been configured in such a way that it is not required to pay taxes in the US.

Is it legal in Argentina and the United States to create, own, and operate a traditional or tax-free LLC?

Yes, it is legal in Argentina and the United States to create, own, and operate a traditional or tax-free US-based LLC, as long as the necessary requirements are met.

What requirements must an LLC meet in order to not owe taxes in the United States?

  • The LLC must be in the name of only 1 non-resident or non-citizen of the United States.
  • You can only sell services.
  • Services may be sold in the US, but must be provided outside of the US. generated outside the United States.
  • Others.

Does a tax-free LLC have any yearly legal or fiscal obligations? Is any yearly documentation required?

Yes. Since December 2017, tax-free LLCs must submit sworn declaration every year. Our studio also offers this service.

What taxes does a traditional LLC owe?

The taxes that a traditional LLC owes depend on several factors.

The most common tax is called income tax, which is calculated based on the company’s net profit at the end of the fiscal year (e.g., as of December 31). On the other hand, the profit tax is calculated depending on whether the company is being taxed as an LLC (where the percentages vary from 10% to 37%, depending on profit) or as a corporation (where the percentage is fixed at 21%).

Another common tax is sales tax (VAT), which is calculated (if applicable) based on certain variables. This tax also depends on the state where the sale is made, and varies from 2.9% to 7.25%.

Other taxes that a traditional LLC may owe are: franchise tax, gross receipts tax, employment tax, unemployment insurance tax, and property tax, among others.

Can I legally create invoices from anywhere in the world (including Argentina) as an LLC, whether traditional or tax-free?

Yes. A US-based LLC may sell and invoice from anywhere in the world. With a bank account in the US, the income of the LLC will be in dollars.

What does an LLC require to be able to create invoices?

In order to invoice as an LLC, the LLC must be registered and incorporated, and the LLC must request than an EIN be assigned by the IRS. IRS (Internal Revenue Service) has given him a EIN (Employer Identification Number).

How are invoices issued for a US-based LLC?

Unlike other countries, the United States does not require that an LLC's invoices be issued through the tax system.

For this reason, an invoice from an LLC company can be created simply with a Microsoft Word file or similar, entering the invoice data manually (e.g. date, number, address, customer information, product or service, price, payment terms, etc.).

In any case, there are free and paid digital platforms that make it easy to create digital invoices in a neat and systematic way for those who prefer to manage them in a more professional way.

What is an EIN?

He EIN (Employer Identification Number) stands for Employer Identification Number, and it is similar to a CUIT in Argentina. It is issued in the name of the LCC. IRS (Internal Revenue Service) in the name of the company.

How do you obtain an EIN for an LLC?

The EIN must be requested from the IRS once the LLC is registered and incorporated. Our studio offers this service.

How can I collect payments as an LLC?

A US-based LLC can offer multiple payment options to its clients: bank transfers, credit and debit card payments Stripe, Square, WePayelectronic wallets PayPal, Payoneer, Skrill, etc.

What does an LLC need to obtain a bank account in a US bank?

For an LLC to apply for a US bank account, the LLC must be fully incorporated and must have an EIN, along with meeting other requirements (more information). Bank account in a United States bank, the LLC company must be fully incorporated and must have EIN, apart from meeting other requirements ((more information).

What documentation is required to establish an LLC in the United States?

Normally we only require the DNIs of the LLC’s owner(s). When applying for a bank account, additional documentation will be required (such as a passport, a utility bill in your name, etc.).

Are there any annual requirements for keeping an LLC legally active?

Yes. Every LLC in the US must file an annual report to renew or update certain information. Tax-free LLCs must file an annual report to report certain transactions, etc. Some traditional LLCs must also file an annual report, as well as pay any applicable taxes.

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Frequently Asked Questions: Bank accounts at physical banks, without the need for travel, for Argentines and other non-North American residents

What is a "physical" US bank?

Which physical banks in the US does ZanovelloTax work with to open a personal or corporate bank account without the need to travel?

What will my US bank account come with?

Do you work with banks that use Zelle?

Can co-owners and/or authorized persons be included in the bank account?

Can beneficiaries be included in the bank account?

Where are debit cards and/or checkbooks sent?

What maintenance fee does the bank charge for the bank account?

Can I transfer funds in dollars from my Argentine PayPal account to my bank account in the United States?

Is it necessary to travel to the United States to open or close a bank account, or to conduct any other business?

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